Why Choose PDC ?

Palakkad Diabetic Centre is your one point of service for all your healthcare and medical needs. We offer the best treatment and care for your whole family.

Experienced Specialists

At PDC, we have the best specialists and experienced physicians working to provide you with the best medical care in the city.

Personalised Treatments

Medical care is never a one size fits all field and we provide individualised attention to your condition and provide you with the best personalised care.

Quality and Safety

All team members from technicians to other healthcare workers at Palakkad Diabetic Centre have been trained thoroughly to provide you with prompt medical care and assist in any situation.

24/7 Medical Assistance

The team at Palakkad Diabetic Centre is always ready to provide assistance in case of healthcare emergencies. Your family is in safe hands at our hospital.

Facilities We Offer

thyroid clinic

At our thyroid clinic, we provide specialized treatments to help you manage any dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Our endocrine department consists of experienced doctors who provide specialised treatments to our patients. Our thyroid clinic provides treatments for Thyroid Nodules, Hyper and Hypothyroidism, Goitre, Thyroiditis, and other diseases related to the thyroid gland.

Ortho and Foot Clinic (Podiatry)

We are home to a skilled podiatrist, helping people deal with diabetic neuropathy, ankle and foot arthritis, fungal and nail bed infections, foot ulcers and Charcot’s foot. The services of a podiatrist is very necessary with growing number of people suffering from foot related diseases. Our in-house podiatrist treats people who suffer from foot related issues that arise from diabetes. Since, diabetes related foot related problems tend to reverse after reducing the blood sugar levels, you need not worry about going through surgery right away. Our podiatrist treats the infections caused by wounds, checks the blood circulation and neuropathy to ensure the overall well-being of your legs.  Also, we recommend appropriate diabetic foot wear and adequate foot care, during and after the treatment.

Diabetic Educator

A Diabetic educator possesses comprehensive knowledge and experience in dealing with pre-diabetic conditions, diabetes management and prevention of diabetes. Our diabetic educator passionately supports and educates patients in managing and preventing complications that arise out of diabetes. With proper education your fears about the diabetes and its related complications will be eradicated.  The educator is also well versed in insulin administration techniques and insulin pump therapy. Hence, they can train you to administer insulin injections to yourself, or your loved ones. They will also help you learn about the symptoms, and emergency relief practices to help you relieve yourself in case of emergencies.

Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV)

An NCV test measures how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve. This test will show how your body responds to external stimuli and also shows how far your nerves are affected by diabetes and other diseases. We have facilities to assess the nerve conduction and detect the damage and dysfunction to the nerves and treat them accordingly.

Computerised Lab

A fully computerised lab with the state of the art facilities to provide you with the best tests and error-free reporting within the shortest possible time.

Insulin Pump Center

Insulin pumps are small devices which deliver doses of insulin at specific times and helps to manage blood sugar fluctuations. The insulin pumps inject the exact amount of insulin that is required by you into your blood stream. We have insulin pump systems with the ability to deliver insulin continuously or quickly for carbohydrate intake. The insulin pumps can help you manage your blood glucose levels without any adverse effects.

Complete Medical Check-up

Besides all the afore mentioned departments and facilities, our hospital also facilitates an overall medical check-up for any person who wants them. This includes a complete blood test, and cardiac evaluation with methods including ECG, ECHO, TMT, and USG Scanning. A thorough Eye check-up for detecting Retinopathy, Glaucoma and Cataract in diabetes and general patients is also available. The complete medical check-up also includes a Dental check-up from our endodontist team, Diabetic Education and Diet Counselling through our diet clinic, and Podiatric work up which includes Ankle-Brachial Index, Biothesiometer test to check vibration thresholds, Hot and Cold Perception test, and Podi scan.

Cardiac Master Check-up

The Cardiac master check-up is similar to the Diabetes master check-up. Only here, you will be tested through ECG, ECHO, and TMT. This way your heart’s present condition will be assessed and any potential life-threatening conditions will be detected early on. You can avail this cardiac master check-up at our hospital and you will be taken through the aforementioned tests.

ECG, Echo, Tread Mill Test

Our Cardiac unit is well equipped with modern equipment with ECG, ECHO, and TMT graphing machines. Echo TMT or simply Treadmill Testing is one of the easiest ways to find the functioning of your heart. It helps us to detect various heart conditions & provide you with the right remedy. These are all state-of-the-art and you can get your reports without any hassles.


Our team of orthodontists provide you with specialised care for conditions like misalignment of teeth & other irregularities in the dental cavity.

obesity clinic

Palakkad Diabetic Centre houses an obesity clinic with a qualified team for weight management. The team will assess your body composition and provide a customised healthy eating plan along with a personalised exercise regime. Obesity being a growing problem these days, many of our patients are requesting for a medication free, diet and exercise-based recovery program. As such, our obesity clinic has developed several weight management strategies to treat our patients. You will also be checked for other possible health problems, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and liver problems and necessary treatments will be provided as such.

Sexual Dysfunction Clinic

One of the major complications of diabetes which most of the patients are not aware of is the symptom of sexual dysfunction. Even if the patients grow aware of the problem, they are sometimes hesitate to admit the problem to the doctors. Erectile dysfunction is common among patients suffering from type-2 diabetes and it can be reversed with proper treatment and care. Sometimes sexual dysfunction is majorly a psychological problem, rather than a physiological one. In terms of treatment, you will be given treatment to reduce your blood sugar levels, thereby reversing your physical condition. Also, our health care professionals will give you counselling and physiological treatments to overcome the problem. If the symptoms are much severe, you will be taken through medication and treatments to treat erectile dysfunction, and with discretion and complete confidentiality too.


A certified team of dieticians will assess your nutritional requirements and advice and educate you regarding your lifestyle changes and diet related disorders. They monitor, review, and rectify nutritional issues and chart out a healthy eating plan exclusively for you. These individualised nutritional plans are specifically developed for you and they are for treating any or all of your metabolic disorders. With a proper diet, your blood sugar levels can be brought down and any associated complication can be reversed.


Our clinic is equipped with a well-stocked pharmacy that has all the prescription medicine and over the counter medication for all your medical conditions. We source all the medications to our in-house pharmacy to help our patients get easy access to their medicines.

Ultrasound Scanning & Doppler Study

USG is a medical imaging test to examine internal organs and treat the disease accordingly. With this method, it becomes easy for the clinicians to detect any damage or disease in your internal organs. An USG report is used to examine the liver, kidneys and other organs in the stomach region and pelvis. Also, a Doppler test machine is also available at our hospital. It is used to study the blood flow in the blood vessels of a patient’s vascular system. This report will help our team of doctors to assess your condition and helps us to determine the further course of treatments.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Test

A CGMS helps you monitor and track the blood glucose levels throughout day and night. This will help to understand the fluctuating sugar levels in your body. You can control the glucose levels in your body with a balanced diet, a good amount of physical activity and appropriate medicine. The CGMs are always on and they record your glucose levels all the time. They will send out an alarm when they sense the glucose levels rising or dropping below normal. Some recent models can be paired with smartphones and they allow for even more precise monitoring of the patient’s glucose levels. You can get a CGMS for yourself after the recommendation of our dieticians.

Diabetic Master Check-up

The diabetic master check-up includes many tests including screening for diabetes, tests to assess your lipid profile, HbA1c, Renal Function test and other conditions. With this complete check-up your blood sugar levels and the diabetic condition will be assessed. The complete set of reports will help our diabetologists to assess your present condition and advice you accordingly. You can opt for an annual master check-up for diabetes if you are 45 years or older. With a regular check-up and controlled diet, you can control the symptoms of diabetes from early on. The tests in the master check-up will help you identify the parts where you need to focus, to stay free of diabetes Meletus. You can ask and enrol for a master check-up at our registration desk and you will be guided through the tests one by one. The reports will be collected and you will be provided the required diagnostics by our diabetologists at the end of them all.

Diabetes Shoppe

A go-to shop for all your low-calories food products or health drinks, healthy snacks, foot wear and other lifestyle products to ease your diabetes. The Dia-shoppe is a collection of essentials for our diabetic patients, who seek specific products that will help them in their regular life.

Oral Surgeon

Our expert surgeon performs skilful medical procedures &surgeries to rectify problems with your teeth, gums & jaw bones.

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About Us

Palakkad Diabetic Center offers extensive medical procedures to outbound and inbound patients.

A multi-speciality day care clinic offering state of the art facilities and medical services dedicated towards treating Diabetes and its complications

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