Welcome To PDC

Palakkad Diabetic Centre provides the best medical care for all your diabetes & lifestyle related conditions.

At PDC, we strongly believe that Diabetes is a lifestyle related condition that has to be treated holistically. We have an experienced team of doctors and healthcare professionals apart from the state of the art facilities that makes us a truly modern healthcare institution in Palakkad.

Palakkad Diabetic Centre

Even as a trainee physician in Amrita Institute of Medical Science, Cochin, Dr. Radhakrishnan dreamt of an international standard clinic that has the latest medical facilities and provides complete diabetic care under one roof in Palakkad.

So, when Palakkad Diabetic Centre was founded it was a dream come true for our founder, Dr. A.P. Radhakrishnan.


At Palakkad Diabetic Centre, our vision is to create a healthcare ecosystem that provides the necessary knowledge & care to stay away from diabetics.


Our mission is to create a world-class institution that brings the latest and most advanced treatments for diabetics and general healthcare to the people of India at an affordable cost that is acceptable to everyone.

Why Choose PDC ?

Palakkad Diabetic Centre is your one point of service for all your healthcare and medical needs. We offer the best treatment and care for your whole family.

Years of Experience
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Number of Patients Treated
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Awards from reputed organisations
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Number of Departments

A Brief Timeline of Our Journey

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About Us

Palakkad Diabetic Center offers extensive medical procedures to outbound and inbound patients.

A multi-speciality day care clinic offering state of the art facilities and medical services dedicated towards treating Diabetes and its complications

Contact information


Palakkad Diabetic Centre | Developed by BSN Technologies | © 2023 Palakkad Diabetic Centre.